Leave Honolulu for Kona

Pearl Harbor Memorial - December 30

Pearl Harbor Sculpture

Battleship Missouri
We checked out of the hotel at 7:45 am and headed to the Pearl Harbor Monument for the third time...hoping to finally see it after three attempts.  Hopefully, third time a charm - or so they say.  Once we arrived it started to drizzle and we were grabbing for our "valuables" to store in the locker when Hudson said "Where is my wallet".  Oh, no!!  We searched the car as best we could in the rain and finally sent Annie, Sam and Paulie on their way to the Memorial.  Hudson and I soared back down the H1 to our hotel in hopes of finding it in our room, tucked between something.  No luck. We had searched the entire car, the hotel room, unpacked all of his belongings and finally concluded that his wallet and all of his traveling money was gone.  We tried to reconstruct the last time he had it and Voila...his black wallet appeared wedged between the black seats.  What a lucky day.  We put the peddle to the metal and headed back down the highway in perfect time to pick up the others and get to the airport for our flight to Kona. 

We returned our rental car, tried our best to convince the airport control freaks that "yes, our huge luggage was indeed carry on size" and waited less than an hour for our commuter flight to Kona.  It was a great and short flight.  Once we arrived, we waited for our appointed taxi to take us to our "off site" rental car location.  We got our car and lunch all at the same time. A few left turns later, we were in the quaint waterfront town of Kona.  Our condo is top notch and the kids are thrilled at our new digs.  Once they realized we had WiFi, everyone was immediately plugged in.....time for an intervention....(Onlinus interruptus) courtesy of mom.  We ventured into town and walked through a great farmer's market.  Not your everyday fare here- avocados, pineapples, macadamia nuts, Kona coffee!  We have arrived!  We plucked the ripest of the ripe and sauntered among the stalls until closing time.  Stopped by a grocery store to get ready for our first home cooked meal in about week.  We got a quite a bit of sticker shock at the checkout.....I think we may be going on the "soon to be popular Kona diet"....who can afford to be fat at these prices???  We returned to Skype whomever we could find and prepare a lovely, low-key dinner.

Pearl Harbor - going once, going twice...

We woke up early again (I guess that's what you do when you are five hours behind your normal schedule) and headed out for Pearl Harbor.  I have become an expert at maneuvering the H1highway that transects Honolulu. When we arrived around 9:30, we found out that the tickets for the day were almost gone and we were given tickets to return at 2:15 that day.  We had wanted to venture back to the North Shore where we had heard they were expecting 20 foot swells and the surfing was going to be phenomenal.  So we ventured up the highway and returned to Haleiwa where we had been the day before.  Sure enough, they were hosting a surfing competition.  After toying with the idea of renting paddle boards and surfboards, we opted instead to sit on the beach and watch others do all of the work.  It was amazing to see surfers spinning around on the top of these huge waves.  After we had our fill of amazing feats, we headed back down the highway and stopped at the Dole Plantation, home of the world's largest maze.  We entered with a bit of trepidation - "What if we get lost" we lamented. We entered in teams (Annie, Sharon & Paulie vs. Sam & Hudson) and trailed along winding paths finally reaching the middle where we saw each other.  Then we were off again in search of the hidden objects along the paths.  After about 45 minutes our team had enough and we sneaked out between the hedge to the path leading to the restrooms.

Sam "Pineapple Head" Wiedmer

Hudson "The Dole" Wiedmer
We reconnected with Sam and Hudson and purchased some local fruit and sugarcane sticks before hitting the road back to Pearl Harbor.  Once there, we were told that we could only watch the movie, but not visit the Monument due to security reasons????  "Does this have anything to do with Obama being in town?" we asked. The stiff lipped guard didn't say "No" and by his silence we assumed that it did.  We opted to return the following morning en route to the airport at 8:30 am. When returning to our car, we saw camera crews outside the Memorial and asked them if the President was expected to arrive.  They said that yes he was expected at anytime.  Hudson insisted  we wait for exactly 25 minutes to see if we could meet him.  We left with the camera crew sitting there waiting still.  Later on the nightly news, we learned he had indeed arrived and toured the Memorial with his family.

Waikiki Sculpture
Too Cool for the Pool - Waikiki
Since it was early in the day, we headed down to Waikiki Beach to take in a bit of local color.  We at sandwiches in the beach and contemplated whether to rent boards again. There is a layer of coral reef that circles the island and as a result there are very sharp corals that are under your feet as you try to get out to the deeper part of the ocean.  That freaked us out and we decided to sit on the beach - Again!  There are beautiful parks in this part of Honolulu and we enjoyed just relaxing on the beach and taking in the sites.  The kids have never seen so many of their favorite shops in one place before - it is like the Rodeo Drive of their dreams.  Good thing we aren't able to pack very much so the temptation to buy stuff is lessened. When you have to carry it, you really hate to pack it - and we are bulging at the seams.  After we left the beach we drove up to see the Diamond Head volcano entrance, but since it was so late in the day, we decided to come back when we return to Honolulu on January 9.  Uneventful dinner, a walk to our local grocery store - Don Quijote -  and early to bed.  Maholo for a great day and aloha until tomorrow.

Day One - Oahu

Three happy kids on our first day of adventure!
We arose early and enjoyed a nice cup of Kona coffee to get us going.  We decided to drive  the scenic route along the eastern coast heading north toward the North Shore.  Along the way we stopped at a local fruit stand to sample the local delicious fruits - Mango, Pineapple, Bananas, Avocado and Coconut.  Yummy!  The weather on the eastern side seems to be very tropical and rain forest - a bit overcast with dramatic clouds hovering over the mountains.  Further along we stopped to see local surfers at a number of wonderful places and finally had a dip at Waimea Bay. Beautiful! The water was a bit cold, but the kids loved it anyway. The weather has definitely improved and is now bright and sunny. We continued north in search of Pipeline Beach - the famed location where world famous surfers seek out the best waves on the planet.  Surf was definitely up.
Shark's Cove, Oahu - December 28, 2011

We ate lunch at a really cute surfing/boating village called Haleiwa.  We had a celebrity sighting at lunch when we noticed Rob Lowe eating a hamburger with two friends.  That was fun!  We took our lunch to a picnic table and enjoyed our al fresco dining.  Afterward, we watched the surfing activity and did a little shopping.  We met a really good surfer, who, interestingly enough has a brother that lives in Sneads Ferry, NC - small world.  He told us that huge swells were going to be coming in tomorrow and we made a plan to go back to watch the surfing activity again. We had shaved ice and returned home via a larger highway, but we still saw a lot of farm land where the pineapples were growing.  Dinner tonight will be a sampling of Thai, Korean and or - who knows.  Aloha for now.

Getting There....from RDU to Honolulu

Can't believe we got everything packed and the house cleaned before departing at the crack of dawn on Tuesday, December 27.  Everything went very smoothly...we had a caravan to the airport with Mom, Grandy and Bonne driving us out.  Saying good-bye was bittersweet.  It is hard to let go and fly off into the unknown.  Our plane left almost an hour early (good thing we got there in time) and so we had a leisurely layover in Chicago.  Flew out around 11:30....and boy did we get a case of sticker shock when we found out our flight was 8 1/2 hours long.  Whew!  Two movies and countless attempts at sleep later, we arrive in Honolulu at local time 4:30pm.  Got our rental car and found our hotel without a glitch.  Once we settled in, we walked around our neighborhood and found a place for dinner - Korean Food.  Really delicious and low key.  Afterward, we made our way to a local grocery store which was very local in its selections.  We picked up a few supplies and returned home.  Exhausted and ready for bed.

Raleigh, NC - December 11

We are in final preparation mode for the big adventure.  Christmas will be a low-key affair this year as we will be departing Raleigh on December 27 and returning sometime around the end of July 2012.