Seahorse Farm

Leafy Sea Dragon
s Today we opted for a little Science Class as we visited the one and only Seahorse Research Facility in the world.  This was started by a woman named Carol who moved here 20 years ago.  Every year over 50 million sea creatures and fish are removed from the ocean for either human consumption in the form of food or medicine or for more recreational uses like in aquariums.  Since we humans are not very good at recreating nature, the pretty recreational aquarium creatures die very quickly and must be replaced thus continuing a cycle that is depleting our oceans.  By the year 2040, with nearly 9 billion people on this planet, our oceans will be devoid of fish.  So....these people have decided to do something about it one species at a time.  They have devised a most interesting method for propagating seahorses to eventually release into the wild.  At present, this farm supplies the aquarium industry.  They have re-established some species, such as the leafy dragon seahorse that is native to the southern tip of Australia. They have four of them and they are almost at an age where they can begin to reproduce.  Interestingly, it is the male that nutures the eggs and eventually goes into labor hatching nearly 600 eggs each and every month.  He has about two minutes of rest before he packs on another 600 eggs that will need incubation for another month.  Currently, seahorses have a 1 in 1000 chance of survival in the wild.  Not very good odds.  At this facility, seahorses have a 50% survival rate.  We spent a lot to time speaking with the Biologist that gave us the tour of the facility to better understand the incredible work they are doing at this facility.

We finished up our tour and headed back into town.  As this is our last full day in Kona, we re-visit some shops where the kids want to go and take a very leisurely path back to the condo.  Once there, we enjoy lounging by the pool before heading upstairs to eat all of our food stocks in advance of our departure tomorrow.

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