Hanging Out in Vang Vieng

April 30

We sleep pretty well except that again our power has gone out in the early morning and our bedroom feels clammy and moist by the time we wake up.  We head down to the eating area and seek out a much needed coffee.  We are quite surprised to find a lovely breakfast that is offered with our room fee.  We all order our eggs cooked just so and request the type of jam and either bacon, ham or sausage with our meal.  It is really good.  The owner of this hotel is a Chinese man and his wife. The man grew up in Singapore and suffered a stroke in 2003.  He was offered a job to manage a hotel in Phuket in December 2003, but had his stroke and was sent to the ICU in Bangkok.  At the end of December, Phuket was destroyed by the tsunami and the resort that he was hired to work at had been washed away.  He refers to his episode as a “Stroke of Luck” and he says that it changed his whole perspective on life.  The story gives me chills and reminds me to be thankful each day for what I have and how lucky we all are to be able not only to have this trip, but also to enjoy the lives we lead back home.  We had planned to go tubing down the river today, but the owner discourages us by saying that the water level is too low to be much fun and we should just save our money.….which we do.  All day long, however, we all feel like we should have a least checked it out for ourselves.  We end up doing pretty much nothing all day and we are okay with that.  This town is a party town and really caters to a completely different crowd than the one we belong to.  We do end up walking around a rice field and over a VERY rickety bridge and meet a lovely couple from England/Scotland that have been traveling for over 2 years.  They just keep going and are planning to return to their homes sometime around August of this year.  Wow….I am in awe!  We cool off with a nice lemon/mint shake and return to the hotel until dinner.  We go to the same restaurant, much to Paulie’s dismay and eat a so-so dinner for our last night in Vang Vieng.   We get home and semi-packed for our departure tomorrow for Vientiane.

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