Santa Catalina Convent

Peru – July 13

We awaken after a relatively sleepless night and make our way to the rooftop terrace.  It is a beautiful day and we have yet to experience one as warm as this.   The terrace offers a wonderful view of both Chachani and El Misti in the background.  The view is somewhat obscured by the dust in the air, most likely the result of an erupting volcano somewhere in the region.   As Paulie and I enjoy our coffee, one by one the kids arrive.  We eat a nice continental breakfast and decide to check out the town to get a lay of the land before the 2:00 finals of the World Cup between Germany and Argentina.  We head out to see the nearby convent of Santa Catalina, a huge sprawling complex initially built in 1580, shortly after the Spanish founded the city.  The convent was apparently a very happening place where nuns had 3-4 servants and whiled away the hours by entertaining, having fiestas and hosting musicians.  All the revelry was put to rest in 1871 when a Dominican nun came in “like a hurricane” and put a stop to the nun fun!  Afterward, it was strictly business as they were returned to an austere lifestyle.  The novices were required to live in their sleeping quarters for 20 hours each day….meditating and practicing their faith.  We take a tour with an English speaking guide and take about a million pictures as we make our way through the labyrinthine passages.  After our tour, we take a moment to check out some of the local adventure tours and get some info on mountain bike riding for the following day.  We go back to the hotel to get ready to eat lunch and opt for a Turkish restaurant that the kids spied the day before.  After lunch, we get down to some serious Futbol watching.  Once the game is finished, Annie, Sam, Paulie and I decide to finally make some plans for the following day.  We find a great guy working in an agency nearby who gives us a lot of information on both mountain biking and trekking in Colca Canyon.  We decide to do the mountain biking tour the following day starting at 8am.  After finializing our deal, we head off to the Plaza de Armas to locate a grocery store to purchase snacks for our strenuous day.  A late dinner and then off to bed…..early to rise.

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